
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The caregiver syndrom

It takes a strong character and nature, commitment and dedication to be the eternal cheerleader for a mentally ill family member.
 It is so much easier to sweep this topic under the carpet, to ignore it and to dismiss it instead of dealing with it and coping to one's best ability with the endless spirals of positive and negative cycles.

It is a very lonely, overwhelming and forsaken place as a mother or anyone who is a caregiver. Friends, families, who are too nervous refuse to educate themselves therefore become, allies and architects of  stigma that the sufferer and his team endures.
 Beyond the pain and discomfort of their mental illnesses,  they have to deal with ignorance, fearful apprehension and acts of disappearances, of persons they thought closest to them. These responses also affect the caregiver on many levels:
If a team is not created to support and pitch in, the caregiver becomes resentful, angry and tired before reaching acceptance. This situation has a label: it is called the caregiver syndrome.

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