
Friday, September 20, 2013

Overcoming Anosognosia


I was not about to leave it to time. I knew that if my son was aware of his illness, he would join the fight; he would be an active participant with his team. How did we achieve this? There is no specific recipe on what to do or not to do. However, I assure you that I have done my research, and I have put some of my own ingredients to help my son overcome anosognosia.

 I will summarize it as Partnering:  

-Partnering with your child doesn't mean showing them a desire to put them in a special need home. They do understand, and I will say this bluntly: that you want to disentangle yourself from a heavy burden. - Allow them to come back to your home time and time again let them feel that your home is a safe haven that will accept them unconditionally. - Go back and forth between empathy and understanding while allowing yourself to point  and grunt at things that don't make sense after all. -

Don't forget to point at their interactions with voices with subtle hand signal every time you see it. You don't have to say a word, nor look at them with disdain. When your son or daughter sees your hand signal repeatedly they do understand and realize with time,  that you are signaling awareness of their interactions.

I know, as a matter of fact, that this is how my son's insight began. I decided to adopt this method referring to the braille and sign languages. I was surprised that after a few dozen times, my son started to my amazement, acknowledging his interaction and accepting my visual signal as a partnership. It wasn't long after  that he asked to go into the hospital and finally, yes, finally accepted his therapist and doctor as vital members of his recovery